Classically, it is reported to present with severe otalgia, conductive deafness and global widening of the canal. Pdf keratosis obturans appears to be an obscure and relatively uncommon entity, even in literature search of journals and reference texts, so much so. Keratosis obturans is the building up of epithelial layer of the skin of the ear canal and the formation of a keratin plug. Microsuction clearance of keratosis obturans ear wax debris in small girl duration. Keratosis obturans ko is a rare condition of the external auditory meatus defined by accumulation of keratinaceous material in a lamellar arrangement that leads to dilation and. Keratosis obturans management journal of universitas airlangga. Keratosis obturans is a rare external auditory canal eac disease characterized by abnormal accumulation and consequently occlusion and expansion of the bony portion of the eac by a plug of desquamated keratin. Keratinolytic agents can be used topically to reduce the keratin plug formation. Keratosis obturans is characterized by the plugging and occlusion of the external auditory meatus with debris made up of keratin, leading to enlargement of the ear canal without bone erosion. Clinical characteristics of keratosis obturans and. Keratosis pilaris is a harmless condition characterized by tiny 1 mm or less bumps, skin colored or red, that may give the skin a rough texture. We conducted a retrospective study to compare the clinical characteristics of external auditory canal cholesteatoma eacc with those of a similar entity, keratosis obturans ko. Covering all aspects of skin disease from basic science through pathology and. Clinical characteristics of keratosis obturans and external auditory canal cholesteatoma so young park, md, phd, young hoon jung, md, and jeonghoon oh, md, phd otolaryngologyhead.
Is keratosis obturans a predisposing factor for external auditory. We present a case of keratosis obturans that was misdiagnosed as impacted wax. Rooks textbook of dermatology is the most comprehensive work of reference available to the dermatologist. Health implications in the increase of keratosis obturans.
Keratosis obturans is an obscure entity characterized by accumulation of desquamated keratinous material in the bony portion of the external auditory canal. External auditory canal cholesteatoma presents as otorrhea with a chronic, dull pain secondary to an invasion of squamous tissue into a localized area of periosteitis in the canal wall. Keratosis, any protuberance on the skin resulting from the overdevelopment of the horny outermost covering of the skin, or epidermis, the main constituent of which is the protein keratin, which is. The pathologic features of keratosis obturans and cholesteatoma. It has subsequently been proposed that two different diseases can be responsible for the presence of this type of obstruction within the deep meatus. It may occlude the canal and cause erosion of bone. To define that keratosis obturans is one of the predisposing factor for external auditory canal cholestetoma. Health implications in the increase of keratosis obturans in the general population for some time now, we have been tracing the sources of keratosis obturans formation in the external ear canal. This image shows the effect of long standing keratosis obturans. This is a concise presentation from diseases of external ear in otology ent also please. It has subsequently been proposed that two different diseases. Keratosis obturans is a condition of the external ear canal and could be described as an intensification of keratin plugs within the canal. A recurrent misdiagnosed and maltreated case of keratosis.
Seborrheic keratosis is a common, benign skin tumor. Keratosis obturans is a rare condition characterized by the accumulation of desquamated keratin material in the bony portion of the external auditory canal. Clinical characteristics of keratosis obturans and external auditory. Keratosis obturans definition of keratosis obturans by. Keratosis obturans is an unusual, chronic condition in which a cholesteatomalike mass is found in the depths of the external auditory canal. Keratosis obturans is a relatively uncommon ear disease, where dense plug of keratin is. Keratosis article about keratosis by the free dictionary. This website is intended for pathologists and laboratory personnel, who understand that medical information is imperfect and must be interpreted using. Is keratosis obturans a predisposing factor for external. The clinical manifestations include bilateral otalgia and conductive hearing loss.
Silent keratosis obturans causing exposure of the facial nerve. Keratosis obturans presents as hearing loss and usually acute, severe pain secondary to the accumulation of large plugs of desquamated keratin in the ear canal. Several classifications have been proposed for external auditory canal cholesteatoma 10, 11 none was available for keratosis obturans. Inverted follicular keratosis is a benign tumor of the skin that is keratosis. Objectivekeratosis obturans ko and external auditory canal.
In this video, we are going to see about keratosis obturans. Symptoms of keratosis obturans answers on healthtap. Keratosis obturans and external auditory canal cholesteatoma. Keratosis obliterans usually found on a bilateral basis and may be accompanied by bronchiectasis and chronic sinusitis. Ct scan of temporal bones may reveal canal erosion and widening.
Pdf keratosis obturans appears to be an obscure and relatively. Complications of keratosis obturans volume 120 issue 9 n c saunders, r malhotra, n biggs, p a fagan. Failure causes a plug of keratin, then erosion in the deep canal. Keratosis obturans keratosis obturans of external ear. Dr kk karade ent head neck thyroid cancer center 195,811 views. It requires regular lifelong microsuctioning of keratinous debris because of the failure of. It is most common on the outer area of the upper arms. Keratosis obturans is accumulation of desquamated keratin in the external auditory meatus. A recurrent misdiagnosed and maltreated case of keratosis obturans. It can be confused for eac cholesteatoma but they are completely different entities requiring different treatment. The disease may lead to erosion and widening of the external auditory. Keratosis obturans results from the accumulation of large plugs of.
Keratosis obturans is the accumulation or buildup of keratin layer of the epidermis desquamation in the ear canalpearly whitethus forming clots and cause a full flavor and less heard. Silent keratosis obturans causing exposure of the facial. It appears primarily on the body and arms and to a. Keratosis definition of keratosis by the free dictionary. Keratosis obturans is likely to cause ear pain because of the keratin plug. Keratosis obturans is an obscure entity characterized by accumulation of desquamated keratinous material in the bony portion of the external.
Keratosis obturans is a hyperkeratotic growth of superficial skin of the bony ear canal skin and as such is seborrheic dermatitis of the bony ear canal skin. Keratosis obturans is a large accumulation of plaque from desquamated keratin distributed in the ear. What is the difference between ak, keratosis obturans and. A 17yearold boy was seen on routine followup a few months after he had. The diagnosis is based on the patient history, physical examination, and appropriate studies. Keratosis obturans commonly occur in young patients. The lesion is a pigmented epithelial growth which usually appears in later life. The presence of a keratin plug occluding the deep external auditory canal was first noted and documented in the 19th century. Keratosis obturanstwo cases with different aetiologies. External auditory canal cholesteatoma and keratosis. Or, it may be caused by overstimulation of the wax glands.
The ear canal appears to be widened, making the ear drum stand out. Pdf download for clinical characteristics of keratosis obturans and external. Keratin is a protein released by skin cells that form the hair, nails, and protective barrier on the skin. Keratosis obturans ko is the buildup of keratin in the ear canal. Actinic keratoses arise in chronically sun exposed sites, such as the backs of the hands. It may be due to a problem with how skin cells in the ear canal are produced.
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